
Coaching Packages 

We are currently finishing off our development of a suite a bespoke coaching packages.

Check back soon to see how we can help you be the best version of yourself.

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Build on Your 
Ridden Confidence

Become a More
Rounded Rider

Receive Tailored 
One to One Support

Works with any
Existing Training

Why Have a Coach?

A coach from Equus Training will bring a fresh perspective on 
As a qualified coach and with an interest in sport phychology Marie Slater and Equus Training will help drive your passion and provide support, inspiration and a route to be the best version of yourself as a rider.

Remote Mentorship & Coaching

Fixed Term


Per month 

A short coaching programme of up to three months
Coming Soon

Complete Coaching


Per month 

An annual remote coaching programme
Coming Soon

Ad Hoc


Per month 

An ad-hoc service that can be used for additional support
Coming Soon

One to One Riding Coaching & Training

Our chief coach Marie Slater provides one on one coaching and training to riders on their own horses at their own premises around North Hampshire.

No two partnerships are the same and Marie's style of training, coaching and developing horses and riders ensures that the uniqueness is recognised.

Marie offers bespoke designed training sessions tailored to your needs, to your standards, to your aspirations and of course to the partnership between you and your horse. Lessons can be ad-hoc or regular, weekly or monthly to suit you, your time and your budget. 

Equus Training supports rider development and horse analysis through technology to provide feedback. Use of 21st Century systems with tracking cameras, static cameras and iPads based analysis applications now allow riders to see the effects and impact of riding styles and habits as well as feel them.

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