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Online Working Equitation Entry

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Introducing the best way to train, learn, develop, and explore Working Equitation!

Welcome to the Working Equitation Online Training Competitions.

Want to perfect your dressage and obstacles without travelling?

Are you looking to explore Working Equitation before committing?

Don't have any official Working Equitation obstacles?

You are in the right place!

Each month competitors will ride a dressage test (see below for test downloads) followed by 5 obstacles from the ease of handling phase that you can make at home, in your school, in your ménage, or even in a corner of your field. We will show you how you can create obstacles using items you have around the yard or can very easily source without big cost. You can find our free obstacle making and obstacle riding resources here:

The online training events can be videoed in your own time uploaded to YouTube and the links submitted to the platform when you are ready, in time for the upload closing date.

Making your entry:

  1. Enter your details on the form just as you would for a normal event. Add the entry to your basket and checkout. Multiple entries for multiple riders and / or dates can be added to your cart and paid for at the same time.
  2. Once your entry is confirmed you can start practicing and recording your dressage test and individual obstacles.
  3. When you have your videos ready and you are happy to submit them, upload them to Youtube as an unlisted video, copying and pasting the links into a "video upload" item here:
    Note, you will need to have already entered and paid for your entry before you submit your video links. The video upload is a free "item" that will ask you for the confirmed order number from your entry that will allow us to match your videos to your entry. Full details of how to create an unlisted video can be found on the video upload item
  4. Sit back and wait for your feedback and results.

About the classes:

We have 4 classes available. They are open to horse and rider combinations from any country. The classes and descriptions are as follows:

(You can get full details on how to ride the obstacles at each level and what a judge is looking for on our Competitive WE page:

Junior B: For riders 16 years and younger. The dressage test ( Junior B ) is a walk and trot only test. Obstacles are ridden in walk with the exception of the barrels and the slalom which must be ridden in trot. The jump may be approached in trot, or walk.

Junior A: For riders 16 years and younger. The dressage test ( Junior A ) is a novice level test that includes rein back and canter. Obstacles are ridden in walk with the exception of the barrels and the slalom. The barrels are ridden twice, once in trot, once in canter. The slalom must be in trot. The jump may be approached in trot, or canter.

Walk and Trot: For riders 17 years and older. The dressage test ( Walk & Trot ) is a walk and trot only test. Obstacles are ridden in walk with the exception of the barrels and the slalom which must be ridden in trot. The jump may be approached in trot, or walk.

Novice: For riders 17 years and older. The dressage test ( Novice ) is a novice level test that includes rein back and canter. Obstacles are ridden in walk with the exception of the barrels and the slalom. The barrels are ridden twice, once in trot, once in canter. The slalom must be in trot. The jump may be approached in trot, or canter.

Riding and recording the dressage test:

Tests can be recorded "hands free" from a fixed position or by someone recording for you with pan and zoom. The video should be filmed to provide a "judge's eye" view from C and not from any other position. If you wish to use a tracking camera app such as Pivo or Pixem that is fine however it is also perfectly acceptable to have your phone set at C and recording you without any "follow technology". Just make sure that you check the view that your camera / phone has before you start riding to make sure the whole arena is in view. The higher you can get your camera to film you the better. If you have a big gap at the start of your recording once you have tapped "record" but before you "enter at A" this can be trimmed easily in most mobile operating system photo apps without the need for any third party software.

Tests will be watched and judged on a large screen so everything will be seen clearly.

Please record your test in landscape mode not portrait.

Top Tips for Dressage - as with any dressage test, your test should be first and foremost, accurate and relaxed. Focus on showing a partnership with your horse and enjoy yourself.

Your test may be read for you if you need.

The dressage tests can be found here:

Junior B

Junior A

Walk & Trot


Riding and recording the Ease of Handling Obstacles:

Your obstacles can be ridden and recorded individually. There is no requirement to film or ride all of the obstacles in a single take. This competition is all about helping you perfect each obstacle and therefore marks are awarded for the obstacles individually. You may record your obstacles on different days, or all on the same day, that is up to you. Each obstacle must include an approach, the obstacle and a move away from the obstacle. We have created a free set of resources on how to make and ride each obstacle which can be found here:

Obstacles of the Month:

The 5 obstacles to be ridden and recorded for March (all classes) are: Slalom, Barrels, Bridge, Rope Gate, Jug.

The 5 obstacles to be ridden and recorded for April are: Pen, Switch Cup, Jump, Barrels, Sideways Pole (Junior A & Novice only), Bridge (Junior B & Walk & Trot only).

Further months will be posted here.

Uploading your Videos:

Once you have made your entry you can spend time practising and perfecting your dressage test and the obstacles for the month of competition.

What do you get?:

Alongside the advice on building your obstacles at home and tips on how to ride each one with instructional videos, at the end of each competition, with the results you will receive your test sheets from both the dressage and your obstacles. As with any other dressage test your sheet will provide an explanation of your marks and comments for how to improve. The obstacle sheet will provide also information on your marks with areas for improvement. Both these will be emailed to you providing a lasting copy you can refer to.

Closing Dates:

Month Entries Close Last Date to Upload Results Announced By

March 31 March 13 April 30 April
April 30 April 11 May 30 May
May 31 May 8 June 30 June
June 30 June 13 July 31 July
July 31 July 10 August 31 August
August 31 August 14 September 30 September
September 30 September 12 October 31 October
October 31 October 9 November 30 November
November 30 November 14 December 31 December
December 31 December 11 January 31 January

Rules and Conditions of Entry:

  1. The competition is run by Equus Training.
  2. No responsibility can be taken by the organisers for loss or injury resulting from partaking in the online training competitions. Owners and riders are to take note that riding horses can result in accident or injury and reasonable and practicable precautions should be taken when riding and around horses.
  3. Equus Training recommend that a protective riding hat with the relevant safety standards should be worn when partaking in riding. All riders entering the Junior classes must be seen in the videos wearing a riding hat with a harness fitted and secured.
  4. Junior riders (Junior B and Junior A) must be 16 years old or under at the time of riding / recording. Competitors for the "Walk and Trot" and "Novice" should be older than 16 years.
  5. The organiser reserves the right to combine classes and withhold rosettes where class entries are deemed too low to warrant individual classes.
  6. No responsibility can be taken for a competitors failure to upload a video within the required timeframe. The organisers will make every effort to contact a competitor using the contact details provided should it be found that a video has not uploaded correctly and is therefore unwatchable.
  7. Entries made after the closing date, or videos uploaded after the video submission date for a given month will be automatically transferred to the subsequent month's competition and the competitor informed.
  8. Videos must be recorded specifically for the training competition being entered and not be copies of videos from previous competitions / months.
  9. Entry fees for online training events are non-refundable.
  10. Questions and queries can be emailed to
  11. Dress code: Competitors should be wearing neat, tidy and safe riding attire suitable for Working Equitation (ABWE). This can be, but does not need to be "competition wear".
  12. Marks: Marks will be award for the dressage and obstacles phases in accordance with the rules for The Association of British Working Equitation. Variance to the marking guidance will only apply to "presentation" where the dress code has been relaxed.
  13. Tack: ABWE rules and guidance do not apply to the online training events.
  14. The online training events are not affiliated to ABWE.

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Online Working Equitation Entry
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